Our history
The Puéril Péril Company was born in 2015, under the leadership of Dorian, Ronan – acrobats specialized in hand-to-hand and carried on unicycles – and Emmanuelle – administrator. After five years at school, between Lyon and Montreal, Dorian and Ronan are burning to create and especially to play. One, two, three, together we go! BANKAL was released at the CAPI Circus Biennale in spring 2016. Since then, it has visited Chalon and has far exceeded 200 performances... and worn out a few stools.
The “Ardèche Terre d’Artistes” system gives them the opportunity to create a second show: L’Autre, a circus thriller, which comes out in 2018. They are joined on stage by Rachel – an acrobat they met during their Quebec training –, Mathis – composer/performer – and Manon – in support of production. Four, five, six: from three to three, we believe it!
2020 was to be the year of release of Mississippi, a duo with Rachel on the Cyr wheel and Mathis on the musical strings; and mark the passage of L’Autre to Avignon with “Occitanie fait son circus”… and then covid. We will therefore have to wait until 2021. In 2022, the company invites three artists freshly graduated from the Lyon Circus School and the CNAC to participate in its next creation: Kontact, a performance show designed to make you want to meet, which will be released in June 2024. Seven, eight, nine: from three to three, together we chart our path!
Of course it's a love story. It's always a love story.
Our team